Crochet takes time for beginners. As a beginner myself, it's been 16 years since I had a brief introduction to this craft. So I'm starting over.  Those years ago I remember making 2 things, a blankie and a baby-hoodie.

So how long will this take?????????
Is this the question that you've asked yourself or wondered before you started this craze for crochet? 
This question sounds more like a question you would ask at an appointment like at the doctor's
office. "How long will this take?...cause I have to be somewhere."

I'm not one that thinks ahead so I didn't think too long or hard about getting started. I just jumped right in. How I started was from a craze or in a daze.  So this is just the beginning, not just of this blog
but of this crochet craze of mine. How long will it last? The blog will tell.   (So far it's been 6 months.)